sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019

An activity with Pixton

In this activity I have taken advantage of the previous work we had been doing in the unit dealing with the world of cinema. So, they had previously acted out a diologue where they expressed their likes about one specific film or TV series (most of them are hooked to Netflix these days),  using the Past Simple and Continuous , adjectives to depict their feelings abot the film, etc.
The previous step before doing the Pixton activity was a written task that they did where they had to hand in a film or series review following an outline:
Paragraph 1
Type of film
Main charachters
Paragraph 2
Plot Summary –when/ where the action takes place (setting)
                              -relevant charaters and what happened to them
                              -what happened next
Paragraph 3
Personal opinión and why you recommend the film

After handing in the written task I told them to produce a comic using Pixton based on the reviews they had previously produced. The learning objectives were:
-to use an online tool to produce a comic related to a film or TV series.
-to be able to agree on which film to work and how to select relevant information
-to foster group work and relevant discussion
-to use English in a communicative way
Groups of 3 students were formed and, in this case, I let them manage to form them. Then, they had to decide which film they were going to work on (peace of cake for them). After that, since they had previously watched the Pixton tutorial, they started signing in Pixton and work on their comics. We  found out that the tablets we can use in our school didn’t allow us to work with Pixton directly from their webpage ,instead they had to download the Pixton app so they could start working.
As for creativity, the sky is the limit for most of them. Although they had a previuos script so as tos ay, they had to adapt what they had verbalised into a new and completely format: the comic format. They found it very amusing the way they could make their characters change and the different possibilities that the app provided them. On the other hand, (and it doesn’t have anything to do with the activity itself), they had to fight against some technical difficulties since the possibility to access their emails is banned at school. However, they overcome the difficulty differently. Some used the school’s email, while others surfed the concealed mode in Google so they could get Access to their personal email accounts.
Finally we have shared all the comics in the class and they have given their comments about their mates’ Works. They are very happy to have worked on this task, where their imagination and ability to use the tool for the first time have really impressed me. In this respect, one of my students, who is very fond of audiovisual tools, prepared on his own a video trailer based on the comic he and his mates in the group had produced.

Here's the link to the video trailer.

Here you can find some examples of the Pixton comics that my students have produced.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Rafael!
    I am doing task 6.4 and I have just come across your blog. Congratulations for your work! Tasks are very well explained and we get a clear idea of how you worked with your students using the different tools.
    If I had to change anything from the blog, I would recommend you to change the layout and appearance so as to get the viewers attraction more easily.
    You did a good job!
