miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Speaking with Genially

Speaking activity with Genially
1.Group Formation:
groups of 2 or 3 students are formed making sure that at least 1 member has got technological skills.
Students choose the topic among the 3 alternatives I gave them (I restrict the alternatives for time’s sake). Once I introduced Genially to them, they are free to choose the modality that suits their Project better. My students then decided the topic to speak about and after that they started gathering relevant information on the internet. Finally, they logged in Genially and created their presentations.

2.Examples of my students’ presentations can be seen in the following link:

This is a picture of their presentation on the digital board.

And this is their audio (to be able to listen to this audio it must be downloaded)

A second example about a phobia:

And this is their audio (to be able to listen to this audio it must be downloaded)

3.Lastly, as regards the level of satisfaction of the whole task itself, I must confess that I am again surprised by how well the task has been adopted by my students. They have been very motivated throughout the whole project, they have had fun in the making and they have enjoyed the tool itself. In fact, one of the groups started using it for an oral presentation in Spanish Language. Eventually the objectives have been accomplished, namely, collaborative group work and motivation to use English communicatively.